Learning from The Happiness Project

Fadhila Nur Latifah Sani
2 min readJun 1, 2022

Title : The Happiness Project
Pages : 437
Author : Gretchen Rubin
Publisher : Harper

This is one of the books that frequently appeared in my recommendation last year. I actually have forgotten what was it that drove me to read this. However, it might be related to the idea of creating happiness in my own life.

Before continuing, I’d like to make a confession. I haven’t finished reading all 437 pages. However, as I enjoy the reading process and gain some useful insights applicable to my own life, I really want to recommend you read this.

Its main interesting point (for me, personally), is the author’s story-telling style. I am not a great non-fiction reader, but this one is very easy to digest because Gretchen Rubin tells her story in the way bloggers write (I think in fact the book started as blog posts). It is also chronologically structured, so the readers are following Rubin’s experience from the beginning of the year when she started her project, till the end of it.

However, it doesn’t make it hard for the reader to follow her thoughts, as the main principles are highlighted well. She also adds other people’s experiences who did their own happiness projects and what they gained over time. These added extra flavor as we could read different perspectives from fellow readers.

Now, despite Rubin’s personal experience and principles, I have to say what appeals to me the most throughout the project itself is the fact that she always has a goal each month. I feel like this is it, this is what I need. Cause really I am someone who could hardly keep up with my yearly resolution. It really helps to break down my personal targets into monthly milestones. Allowing oneself to focus on smaller changes instead of making huge targets that seem impossible and pressuring (which eventually are forgotten after a couple of months).

So, yeah, if you’d like to go through Gretchen Rubin’s experience in her happiness project and learn a tip or two, go and read it!

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Fadhila Nur Latifah Sani

Mostly writes about the things she reads: books, places, and everyday life. Other writings can also be found in fadhilanls.blogspot.com or fadhilanls.tumblr.com