When Life Gives You Lemon, Do What?

When personal issues and workloads eat you up, remember to stay grounded.

Fadhila Nur Latifah Sani
2 min readJun 22, 2022

Are you having the time of your life when everything seems to overload? Let’s take a deep breath and relax. Over the past few days, especially since I go back to the office, things seem to pile up, and I am getting behind in fulfilling my responsibilities. When the deadline presses and my thoughts swirl around uncontrollably, I easily lose focus and feel anxious. Every day I would think of how tired I am and how impossible it is to wear the multiple hats without fail. Thankfully, these things can be done to help me stay grounded.

Get closer to mother nature

Being in nature, watching green leaves on top of trees, sitting on a vast grass field, and listening to the birds singing sort of brings me back to awareness and gratitude. After being surrounded by walls and watching windows desktop most of the time, the time outdoor brings freedom I unknowingly need.

Do exercise

Pump up the dopamine level inside the body by doing exercise. Once I was feeling so down and forced myself to attend a Zumba session. It literally brought sweat and a smile, I finished the class happier than the rest of the day. Now exercising becomes one of the keys to uplifting my mood and energy.

Stay away from social media

The noises and overflow of information are the sources of great distraction. It also prevents me from actually working on my problems as I idly scroll through the contents. Thus, giving it a pause and focusing on myself help me to commit to my responsibilities.

Write and dump my feelings

All feelings are valid. Rather than denying what I feel and letting it build up inside me, dumping my feelings on writing is the best option. It allows me to acknowledge and accept the feelings before finally letting them go. I typically write a page or two when I feel like I need to. Though the activity creates a pile of fully written notebooks I would rather not visit back, at least the negative emotions are out of my system for good.

Listen to my favorite podcast

Knowing that it is not only my body that needs to be fed, I choose podcasts as one main source to feed my soul. My favorite podcast would be The Aida Azlin Show and Yaqeen Podcast. They are well delivered and bring very good insights which can be enjoyed while driving or cooking. Somehow it brings peace and firmness that my heart needs.

Even when working overtime is inevitable, doing one of those on the list could help me. What about you? How do you stay grounded at times of crisis?

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Fadhila Nur Latifah Sani

Mostly writes about the things she reads: books, places, and everyday life. Other writings can also be found in fadhilanls.blogspot.com or fadhilanls.tumblr.com